Thursday, July 07, 2011


Apparently, I am the kind of girl who can pull off wearing a Fedora.
  Even one with feathers. 

You know how you see someone wearing something cute and you think to yourself
"she looks cute, but I could never pull that off" 

Well, I just decided that I wanted to be the kind of person who could pull it off, so I bought one, and I've been pulling it off all day.  I haven't left the house in it yet, but I bet I will tomorrow.

I just got back from a week long trip to San Clemente.  I have lots of fun pictures to share from my trip, but I'm too busy taking more pictures of myself in my new Fedora. 

Oh, and in case you are wondering about my very cute shirt, it is one of my new purchases from H&M


Turbo said...

Love it.

Cheryl said...

Cutest post EVER.

tammy said...

You are gorgeous!

Tammy said...

I will make you a button because I want it so send me a picture for
your background. I have to resize it to 150x150 jsut so you know.