Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer is off to a good start

School is over and this week has been our first full week of summer.  So far we've had 2 playdates, gone to the pool twice, and the park once.  I am going to be tired come September!

My little Kindergarten graduate

The pool wiped Violet out.  After about an hour she crawled up into my lap and slept for about 20 minutes.  It was the greatest.  Even though she's totally a kindergarten grad, she's still not too cool to snuggle with her mama at the pool.

Lucy, looking effortlessly cool while eating a Tootsie Pop at the pool


Turbo said...

Hahahaha, the caption on that last photo is straight out of a gossip mag. I love it.

tammy said...

Lucy always looks cool. Part of it is that she has no idea how cool she looks.
And your boob looks very cozy.

mushbelly said...

My boobs are the coziest