Seconds after joining the long line at the grocery store today, the young mother in front of me turned around and eyed me quizzically for about 6 seconds, then asked if I would mind watching her cart and baby while she ran to the bathroom. Before I had even finished saying "Of course!" she was sprinting towards the front of the store. Her son, who was probably just over a year old watched her leave, then looked at me, stuck out his bottom lip, and started to cry. I picked him up and showed him the cover of US Weekly and People to try to cheer him up. (It totally worked. Kim Kardashian's boobs will cheer anyone up, I think). I noticed that the mother had also left her wallet in the cart. I was pleased that, after her quick evaluation of me, she decided that I was someone trustworthy enough to be in charge of her baby and her wallet for a few minutes. I mean, you just never know if your coming off to the world as a creep. (Actually, I've never thought that I was coming off as a creep - but this was a good confirmation that I definitely am not).
Once the baby calmed down, I started to notice that her cart had a lot more vegetables in it than mine did. Things like swiss chard and rhubarb along with all the usual suspects; carrots, potatoes and broccoli. And they were all organic. And she had free range eggs, and organic milk and orange juice. And organic chicken. And organic chocolate. I started to compare my non organic vegetables, fritos and 80% lean ground beef (I'm making taco soup tonight!) and I started to feel just a smidge inferior. I concluded that she was likely healthier, more financially stable, happier, and loves her family more than I love mine, because she was only buying the best for them. Then I remembered, oh yea - she left her baby with a stranger!
And then she came back and thanked me. And when the bagger said "paper or plastic?" I totally expected her to pull out her own bags and say "I brought my own, thank you". Or at the very least - say "paper". But she didn't. She asked for plastic. And when it was my turn to answer the question "paper or plastic?" My pride and self worth returned as I said, "I brought my own, thank you".
This is great! And... all the good her organic food is doing her. It's obviously giving her serious diarrhea.
I love this post! And you are in no way inferior to anyone! And you are a great cook, taco soup sounds good.
I don't buy organic, I make taco soup and I bring my own bags. I must be doing something right.
Ha! I love any chance to be smug! Well done.
i loved this post...i miss you...lunch soon? (although i don't know if i want to hang out with you and your new found skinniness!)
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