Monday, October 18, 2010

10 years in

I am happy this morning.  Not sure why.  Its probably chemical induced, but I'll take it anyway.  I love my life and family.  Last week marked the 10 year anniversary from when Jacob proposed to me.  Thinking back about that time makes me giddy.  Jacob and I fell for each other Hard and Fast.  It was super intense.  If you get us talking about it we will both get excited and start giving each other googly eyes and pretty soon we'll be making out.  Its fun to have such an amazing beginning to look back on.  And its still great.  I mean, its not always full of pure adrenaline and excitement like it was at first - but we are solid.  We love each other - and even more than that, we like each other.  I feel so lucky to have that because I know that its rare.

The other morning Jacob said to me:

"We are one of the greatest love stories of our time"

Yes, totally cheesy - but it makes my heart melt that he thinks so. I think so too.  

I love you babe
Christmas morning 2007


tammy said...

I love this post. You need to blog more because your posts make me happy.

Kate said...

I love this too. So effing great to be able to say this kind of stuff about your partner. Although I think we are a greater love story than you. Yeah, I'm totally throwing down on that one. GAME ON.

Kate said...

I think the Kirkland brand conditioner is cone free, but you'll have to check the label to be sure.

I just can't stand it when there is a cuter couple than me and Court. It pains me. So I lash out. A pox on your house!

Ms. Hobbs said...

That is sweet! Congratulations on being happy. :)