Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sad girl

This weekend Violet did something naughty.  I can't remember exactly what it was.  But she got in trouble and got sent to her room.  I went in a few minutes later to check on her and she was sitting in her closet with a notepad and some crayons.  This is what she drew.

Doesn't that kind-of break your heart?  Just look at how sad that little face is!  Maybe she is sad because she doesn't have any hair.  Or maybe its because she got yelled at and sent to her room.  Poor thing.  

(ps - Violet always gives the little girls she draws plaid dresses.)


Ms. Hobbs said...

Poor Vi. I can't believe you don't remember what she did to be naughty. Did you take a Klonopin?

mushbelly said...

whatever teresa, I don't take klonopin - I take xanax lol. And they don't make me forget. I can't remember because she has been doing naughty naughty things all weekend. I think she was fighting with Lucy.

Ms. Hobbs said...

LOL! It's just the only thing that I could think of that makes you forget your day.