Friday, June 04, 2010

Sewing Projects

I've had a long dry spell when it comes to sewing. My sister Marie sent me 10 yards of fabric for my birthday in February, and I finally got around to making something with it this past week. First, I made this dress for Lucy, using this pattern. I think next time I'll do the longer sleeve version.


Today, I made this shirt for Lucy. It was inspired by a shirt that I bought for Violet at Target last summer. I didn't have a pattern, I just based it on Violet's shirt and went for it. It's a little longer than Violet's shirt - but it still looks cute. And this way, Violet can also wear it as a dress. Its basically just a sleeveless bodice with a bubble skirt attached to it.


inspiration shirt:
(I love this photo, because I too stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating)


Turbo said...

Well done!!

tammy said...

Great job Michelle. Her dress and shirt look great.