Thursday, May 06, 2010

Mother's Day

Its a good thing my mom doesn't know how to turn on a computer. The chance of her seeing this posted here before Mother's Day is pretty much zero. I followed this tutorial and made a pillow for my mom. She loves home made gifts, so I'm sure she's going to love this. I think it turned out pretty cute - and its a great way to use up scraps.


I wonder what I'm getting for Mother's Day.......
(hoping for a hammock, flowers and Sarah Silverman's book, "Bedwetter". Oh, and of course, breakfast at Little America)


Char @ Crap I've Made said...

I freaking love that pillow. I've been wanting to attempt one ever since I saw it on Artsy Craftsy Babe's blog like a year ago.

tammy said...

It turned out beautiful. You are so talented.

Colin and Ranie said...

You are so amazingly talented. I love it.

allison said...

i love the pillow and love that you like sarah silverman!