Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Learning to read

Violet is going to be in Kindergarten this fall - and she is so ready. Lucy has been working with her on reading. Lucy is a good little teacher, and Violet, a good student. I bought a pack of 16 books for beginning readers from Costco, and when we got home from the store they promptly sat down and read every single one of them together.

Here is a short video of Violet reading one of the books. Notice how Lucy teachers her what certain letter combinations make, and corrects her when she reads something wrong. Do not notice the dirty faces, messy house, and nose picking.


tammy said...

I love this! I love that she is holding her bugger between her fingers and I was just watching to see what she would do with it and then she just rubs it away. That's just what I do with mine.

Quirky Jessi said...

Oh wow, you were right about her being a great teacher. It's so awesome to see such cooperation and encouragement like that. <3 And I loved how Violet immediately went for another book as soon as she finished the first.