I was inspired by
This Idea from a blog called
Inchmark, so I decided to make some for Lucy's school class. I think they turned out great. Each box is filled with some M&M's and a little note that says "Love, Lucy". Lucy had fun making these for her class. She wasn't patient enough to wait until after I had gone to the store to buy some cute paper, so she made hers using scraps of construction paper, wrapping paper, and computer paper we had on hand. I made mine after a quick trip to the craft store.


I only made a few, so if you get one of these from me this year, consider yourself very lucky, and very loved.
Then I better get one!
Super cute. And your daughter is quite crafty. At first glance I didn't even notice that they were done by a kid... I had to look twice after you mentioned that the picture of yours was below!
Those are so cute!!!!! Lucy did a great job!
I also love the shirt. I'm jealous. Really jealous that you can make cute things. I'll admit that for years I just didn't care, because it was never my thing, but these days... I'm finding that I would really like to know how to be creative and make adorable things on the fly. You are amazing!
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