Sorry! How rude of me to whine about being in a funk, and then not post for days. The funk has passed, thankfully. I'm feeling optimistic and content - which is much better than feeling funky. I don't really have anything to post about. Until I can think of something, or until something exciting happens, I will just give you pictures. My life in pictures:
I met this hot guy:

We got married:

We got a dog:

I got pregnant:

I got VERY pregnant:

We had a baby:

I got pregnant again:

We had another baby:

We built a crazy house in the hood:

We are currently in the process of living happily ever after (between the funks)
Very cute story. Seriously, you are one of the most photogenic people I have ever met. Even when voraciously making out with your husband.
you are an adorable sister.
Nice life. I'm not even up to the happily ever after part. I'm still climbing up that hill where everything from there is free sailing or at least up that hill where you finally realize that it's just a joke and there isn't any free sailing at all in life.
yes - the happily ever after is just a joke. There is no such thing. Oh wait, unless you count the celestial kingdom, I guess.
You should make it into a book and read it to Lucy at night. I loved it.
It was not boring at all. I loved looking at the pictures. :)
Ok, I feel stupid. You were talking about your blog previously being boring because you haven't posted in awhile. I get it now! Cause I was thinking you were crazy thinking that the last 10 years were boring, You have done some pretty amazing stuff. Your family and house are the cutest. Forgive me for my total blonde duh comment. :)
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