Monday, September 22, 2008
Something smells Funky
I'm in a funk today. I'm sure all of you who have interacted with me today have no idea - because I am SO GOOD at hiding it. There is no real good reason. I have a cut on my knee that is bloody. I have nothing exciting to do for the next - who knows how long. The highlight of my days is usually something funny that Violet says - and as adorable as that is, sometimes I wish for a little......more. Like, a hot guy to whisk me away on a surprise trip to Hawaii (hint hint Jacob...I'd settle for Idaho - I just need something different). Or, maybe just......a good book? I have no attention span lately. I can't focus long enough to enjoy a good book, which is very sad, because reading used to be one of my greatest pleasures. Maybe I have ADD and I just need some Doctor to prescribe me that ADD medicine that makes you skinny. Yes, I think that is just what I need.
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Here's the solution. Get the Outlander by Diana Gabaldon on audiobook. Then you get some steamy romance and you don't have to concentrate on reading. I LOVE audiobooks.
I think you should go get a pedicure. If we were really sneaky I might even be able to hook you up with some free daycare while you go. Call me on my cell and I can set something up :)
Audiobooks are another favorite of mine. I listen to them while sewing (only projects where I don't have to think about or I miss important stuff) Janelle has been trying to get me to read the Outlander books. There are tons of books are a great idea! :)
A.D.D. medicine that makes you skinny? Yeah, that's called Wellbutrin. I graduated college and I'm not a heiffer...both miracles that should be in Reader's Digest or something. And it's all because of 300 mg of time-released, non-SSRI glory.
We're reading "Marley & Me." And OMG. We're dog people, though. It might be different for us. But check it out before Jennifer A and Owen W live it out on the big screen.
I'm sorry your days are blah lately. Now I really understand how much you missed me at lunch. I'm sure with just you and Tammy, it was B O R I N G. Kidding. I think you need to talk to your doc about your happy pills.
And... I think you need to tell Jacob to let you come with me somewhere fun.
I think my happy pills are fine. There are just some things going on that are stressing me out and making me feel over-burdened and overwhelmed. And, lunch with Tammy was fun - I was just giving you a hard time Teresa. If you and J are spending more time together, I am happy for that. I don't even care if it means I see you less. I know you still love me, and that no man can come between us ( I mean, we have proven that, right?) :)
Nicole - a pedicure sounds awesome. But you don't need to give me free daycare. I just might bring Vi in today though and do that.
you should go to Hawaii.
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