Sunday, July 13, 2008

The most Important poll Ever!

Straight or Curly? Jacob and I have a debate going as to what looks better on me: Straight or Curly hair. I won't tell you who is on what side. Please vote on my poll to the right.







Kristina P. said...

You are very beautiful! I voted for straight.

Lacey said...

Ok, Mush. I'm going to give it to you straight (haha! no pun intended). You are beautiful either way, but you are STUNNING with it straight. It is very sleek and sophisticated. Very posh. For some reason (and take this in a loving, fun way, not a catty, witchy way), the curly style looks a little too bed-headish, IMO. (This coming from someone that goes with the bedhead look all too often herself, so take it for what it's worth. ;) ) Ugh, don't hate me.

mushbelly said...

Lacey - Of course I don't hate you silly! I'll go ahead and admit it - I also like it better straight. I agree its more polished and sleek. Jacob likes it WAY better curly. Maybe because, I am NOT polished and sleek? Maybe because my personality is a little more rough around the edges? Maybe because he likes to imagine me in bed, so the bed head works for him? I dunno. Luckily, I like it both ways, and I have the option of switching it up whenever I want. :)

Oh Boy '08 said...

This is what I think....You put more time into your straight style (referring to your pictures). Therefore, in these pictures your hair looks better straight. However, your hair is very cute curly, and if you took the same care in styling it curly, it would look equally as cute! I think you're lucky to have an option!

mushbelly said...

I have no idea how to even put the same time amount of time into making my hair curly as I do straight. Curly is just how it goes, so its quick and easy. Maybe I could straighten it, then curl each piece with a big curling iron, so all my curls were uniform - maybe that would make it more "sleek" But of course, I would never actually put that much time into my hair.

Anonymous said...

Meesh- I like curly also (we've had this conversation). It's 'a little wild'. So it depends on what you want? sophisticated, beautiful? go straight. Totally HOT? curly.

mushbelly said...

Totally Hot. That's always what I'm going for.

Nicole said...

Another vote for straight.....though as mentioned, you are a hottie either way! :)

jen e. photography said...

i am a radom friend of jacob's from pictureline & he introduced me to your blog & a so blessed one? Anyway if I have a vote I love your hair curly.
My name is Jeni....some random girl in Holladay but I love your house & your husband is nice to help me at pictureline.
If you ever want to double I have a cool husband & we could hang. We are seriously so blessed too.....