Thursday, February 17, 2011

Birthday Gifts!

This year's gift to myself:

Last year's gifts to myself were about self improvement.  Getting off of zoloft and attaining my best body.
(I'll update you about those in a few days.  Remember, I had a whole year to attain those goals, so technically I still have a couple more days). 
This year, I'm making it a little easier, and I bought myself a new purse.
And look - I don't even need a camera to blog about this!

I never spend big money on myself.  And probably for a lot of you, $100 on a purse is not big money.  But it is for me.  I typically buy $20 purses at Target.  I ordered this online from a major online retailer - and then felt like an asshole when I realized that one of my favorite local shops, Hip and Humble carries the same line.  (see?  My purse is even on their home page!)  I totally would have bought it from them had I known.  Probably to make it up to Hip and Humble, I should go buy these great shoes that are also on their home page. 


Turbo said...

You definitely deserve it, after achieving such an ambitious goal last year.

tammy said...

I love the bag! And yes you need the shoes to match! Even though they don't match they would go great together!

Cheryl said...

Love the purse. It looks like a BMakowski bag.