Today is my 10 year wedding anniversary.
10 YEARS!!
Honestly, its been easier and more fun than I dared to hope it could be. Not that it has always been perfect or easy. We've had some rough spots (we've even been to marriage counseling - which was actually awesome and I recommend it to any married couple). I attribute the success of our marriage to the fact that my husband is sweet, always kind, forgiving and a peacemaker. I feel valued, adored, respected and, liked! Jacob knows me - sees me at my ugliest, my weakest, my bitchiest - and I still feel like he genuinely likes who I am - and I feel the same about him.
A large part of our 8 month courtship was spent making out on his little red couch. We were driven by an intensity and passion for each other unlike any other - and I am honestly surprised that through the fog of it all, we actually made a good decision in choosing each other. We are a good fit - and I have no doubt that we will spend another 10 years loving each other, and 10 more after that, and 10 more after that, and forever more after that.
Happy Anniversary Baby!
(look at our cute little chubby faces. We ate a lot of cheeseburgers back then)
(actually, we still do)
And here we are, 10 years later.
Yay, for ten years! You guys are an awesome couple!
We have made a lot out of the last ten years. We have our own incredible family, great friends, a beautiful home and a great life together. We have done all of this because we have never once doubted that we are right for each other. We are living the love story others dream of.
Thank you for loving me, thank for always listening, and thank you for your unceasing devotion to "us". I am more in love with you now than ever. You continually amaze me. Our life together has just begun, and the decades to come are going to be amazing.
Love, J
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