Well, I didn't run it. I talked Jacob into training and running it with me - and he ended up running it alone. I am still running, and improving, but I don't feel like I'm ready for a 10K just yet. It was really fun waiting for Jacob at the finish line, and seeing him whiz past us. He loved it, and wants to do another one immediately. He finished in about 50 minutes. He says he would have done better, but his IT band flared up at about mile 4 and it was pretty rough for the last two miles. (not that 50 minutes is a bad time - I'm quite impressed)
Lucy, cheering on the other runners while waiting for her Daddy to run by
Jacob - he was running so fast that this was the only picture I got of him. Go Jacob!
P.S. The tables have turned, and I am totally kicking laundry's Ass.
Good job Jacob!
Looks like a lot of fun. Lucy looks super focused. Nice work, getting control of the laundry. :)
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