Monday, February 15, 2010

Out of hibernation

After a long winter of sedentary-ness, this is what my sweet rear end looks like. So soft. So white. Just like freshly risen bread dough. Its time to start running again. (I call it running, but really I half walk, half jog - for 2 miles, on a good day) But it does help my bum to look a little less like if you poked your finger into my cheek it would deflate.


Everyone has a secret love of white bread though, right? So - I should feel lucky.


tammy said...

white bread is lovely but unfortunately I prefer wheat. What does that say about me??? I do like your bum though. After commenting on your blog and little red pen's blog I think I am gay or really really lonely.

Kate said...

I've been running (okay very slowly jogging) for MONTHS and my buns still look like that! But my buns started out a lot bigger than your buns. I need to stop comparing. :P