Thats a really cute video. Thanks for sharing. I found your blog while searching for something.
Since its relevant here and you might find it fun/useful. I also wanted to give a plug for a site Ive been working on that helps people share songs with their friends. Its free, easy and there's no account signup. Login with Facebook. Check it out if you get a chance. Share some songs. Hope you like it. Thanks!
Hahahaha. I love it. That intense look on her face is the kicker.
this is the best!!! She is so into it.
LOL That is awesome!!
Lmao!! Adorable.
Oh how cute!!! She is gonna die though when you show about ten years from now!
ohhhhh shes cute!
Thats a really cute video. Thanks for sharing. I found your blog while searching for something.
Since its relevant here and you might find it fun/useful. I also wanted to give a plug for a site Ive been working on that helps people share songs with their friends. Its free, easy and there's no account signup. Login with Facebook. Check it out if you get a chance. Share some songs. Hope you like it. Thanks!
Hey Michelle,
Acorns just happen to be all over our parks here. If you don't have any, try making a wreath with nuts or with wooden beads!
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