Its obvious from reading my blog, that I never went to college. (technically, I did take a few math classes, and a photography class - and aced them all) I get a little depressed when I read other people's blogs and they can write so well. I feel like my arsenal of words is a small one. One that is unprepared to write anything interesting or powerful. One that lacks the know-how to move people, to get my point across, to make you feel what I am feeling. I've noticed that I have a few words and phrases that are very over used. Like, if I REALLY feel strongly about something, I'll add a "very" or "Really" in front of my descriptive word (maybe even two!), which is more than likely going to be "adorable" or "amazing".
So amazing
So adorable
So SO amazing
So SO adorable
very very
Really Really REALLY
I write in my journal in bed at night, after I have taken an ambien. I've learned not to blog while on ambien - but my journal is read by a few less eyes. (Only mine, I think, unless Jacob sneaks and reads it) So writing crazy drug induced things in my journal is safe. I really like the way I write when on ambien. I'm more free. I am more honest. I am really very very funny. In fact ambien changes my whole personality. (Just ask Jacob - I am a kinder gentler wife after I've taken an ambien. Sluttier too). I need to tap into that drug induced state in my waking hours.
So I don't know if this post is about how I wish I could write better, or how I, admittedly, love ambien. I guess, both.
Just so you know... nobody and I mean NOBODY tells a story like you do. It is a trait of yours that I so desperately try to mimic, but I fall short every time. I wish I could talk like you.
I think you express yourself well, especially when you are writing about the most personal parts of your life, like your children or how much you love me. :)
I've been thinking a lot about college lately and how much I feel like I missed out. I wish I could go back 10 years and start again. I would do so many different things in my life. I'm happy today, so this isn't about regretting where I am, but I know I could have done more interesting things. I hear you. I might have learned about punctuation and stuff like that. Ho hum....
Michelle, don't compare yourself to others because no one compares to you. You are wonderful and a college degree wouldn't make you more wonderful. I love the way you write because I hear your voice.
I know what you mean though. When I read other blogs I think I wish I was inspiring or funny or could write pretty but then I have to remind myself that I have to be me and hopefully somebody will appreciate but mostly I hope I appreciate it. Maybe if I was totally honest about my life I would inspire or help someone. It is something to think about, right?
Love to you. Don't change just blog more.
You used the words "arsenal" and "sluttier" in this post. I give you an A+.
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