Thursday, September 24, 2009

T-shirt Re-fashion

The was the easiest clothing refashion I have ever done. I made one for me and one for Lucy. I took an old, basic black t-shirt (that had a small hole in it) and sewed some lace down the front. It covers the hole in her shirt, and it looks fancy (which, if you don't know my girls, I should tell you that fancy is always the goal around here)


(this picture was taken just after finishing a chocolate ice cream cone...don't mind the dirty face)


tammy said...

I still want one of these shirts really bad!

mushbelly said...

Dang - I was at the store where I bought the lace this morning - I should have bought some more for you.

Ms. Hobbs said...

Um.. I hadn't read this yet when you made a comment to me about lace on my shirt, which is why I didn't get it. Very cute!

Cheryl said...

That is so cool. I love the black and white; it's makes for a very interesting graphic. Good job!

Stacey Sargent said...

oh my gosh that looks so good! i seriously want to try that! im impressed!