Saturday, June 13, 2009

Salt Lake Relay for Life

Last night, my brother and sister-in-law participated in the Salt Lake Relay for Life. It was at the This is the Place State park. It is a cancer relay. There is a track that someone on their team must be walking on for 12 hours (or is it 24?) Symbolizing that cancer never sleeps. They also had a survivor walk for, you guessed it, people who have had cancer and have beat it. My dad had cancer a few years ago, and he survived it (!!!) so he walked with the survivors. Me and my family went up to see my dad walk, and to participate in the festivities. It was really fun. They have tons of bounce houses, games, booths, face painting, food vendors etc. All the teams have tents set up, since they are there all night long. They take turns sleeping and walking in shifts. Next year we are planning to have a family team - and our whole family is going to go sleep over and do the relay. I think all of us have somehow been touched by cancer. I have had a cousin die from breast cancer (a young cousin, in her 30's) and my dad as well of most of his siblings have had some form of cancer. Its really touching to see so many people working together to fight for the cause.

My dad, the survivor





robyn said...

Oh how fitting that you were at the relay for life in UT the same morning I was doing the race for the cure in NC.
ps I love the skirts!

tammy said...

Apparently cancer doesn't like rain and wind. We have found the cure!!!!!!!!! Thanks for coming! It was fun. I can't wait until next year.

Turbo said...

I'm glad to see that your dad still looks great. I totally look up to that guy. PS, cute kids.