Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great Memorial Day weekend. It was so relaxing and nice to spend some lazy time with my family. We went to visit my brother's grave site. I have only been there a few times since we buried him 6 years ago. Its hard for me to relate that spot with him. I think about him a lot, and miss him a lot, but visiting his grave doesn't make me feel closer to him or anything. I wanted to go this year, and show my girls where their Uncle Max, who they never had the pleasure of meeting, is buried. We were there just long enough to take this picture, before the girls started running wild and we had to leave.



Afterwords, we went to my mom and dad's house and had a great dutch oven dinner. Mmmmmmm

1 comment:

Lynnette said...

The girls look so happy there though! And I'm sure that made Max smile :)