Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Year!

I've been on a little bit of a posting hiatus lately. The week between Christmas and New Years was so lazy for me. I loved it. We laid around, played with Christmas toys, went to matinees. It was perfect. But now I'm ready to start living a productive life again. I made a few goals for 2009. I'll share them here.

1. Get organized! You should my girls' closets. They are a mess. Keeping little kid clothes organized is a problem for me. I have no system of rotating out the things that don't fit and making room for the things that do. Kids grow so fast that its a constantly changing cycle of clothing - and I am not keeping up. So one of my main goals this year is to get the girls' closets organized, and come up with a system to keep them organized. Exciting, I know.

2. Lose 15 lbs this year. I'm not going to beat myself up or do anything crazy. I am giving myself all of 2009 to reach this goal. I lost about 15 lbs in 2008. If I do it again, I'll be where I want to be weight wise. If I try to be too strict or think about it too much, I start to obsess and my diet becomes the only thing I can think about. So, I'm not doing that. I'm just going to focus on making healthy choices, being active, and not making food a huge deal.

3. Be financially responsible. I have really gotten better in the last few months at not spending money just for the sake of spending money. Shopping really does give me a kind of high. I have a problem with it. So, my goal this year is to continue with the habits I've already implemented - and to spend money thoughtfully and responsibly.

That's it. I'm trying to keep it simple. I'm hoping that 2009 will be a year of growth, of learning personal self control, and of enjoying the simple things in my life more.

1 comment:

Ms. Hobbs said...

Those are good goals. My goals are to find my lungs again and be able to run without being afraid of dying. I also want to learn to find balance in my life and specifically my job. If I can't then I'm going to quit my job, because it's eating me alive. That's about it.
