Saturday, November 01, 2008

Super Heros

Our neighbors wanted to go trick-or-treating, but didn't have costumes. So, I made them each a mask and a cape. I started making them at 4pm yesterday, so I didn't have time to do anything fancy, but they loved them anyway. They chose the colors and the letter that they wanted. Eric chose "S" for Superman. Amable chose "B" for Batman, and Theo chose "T" for Super Theo. It was fun to take them trick or treating. It was the first time any of them had ever gone.






Ms. Hobbs said...

THAT is so sweet and your on the fly costumes look really great! I'm totally impressed. LOL! They look so cute. I'm glad you got pictures.

Jenny/Moravia said...

You are all sorts of awesome. Glad to see they all had fun!

Anonymous said...

OMG They look so cute! Good job Mush!

tammy said...

You are amazing!!! As usual.