Friday, October 17, 2008

This is scary!

I can't believe that there are such ignorant people in this world! These people should not be able to vote. Seriously. They are so unreasonable. For some reason I am unable to embed the video here, so follow this link if you want to see it. Its commentary from some republicans in Ohio on why they won't be voting for Obama.


Teresa said...

yah, that's a bit scary. It's too bad you don't have to pass some type of competancy test to vote.

Allison Claire said...

I agree with you %100! I am shocked and appalled at what people have said about Obama. I have received e-mails very similar to what those people were saying from my mormon friends. I recently got one that said "we are confronted with demon of Satan's world" It continued to say that if we were really christians that we would come together and vote McCain. Wow! Ridiculous. I had to respond to that. I have made more enemies during this election than friends that is for sure. But really, I don't want those friends anymore. Obama is the best one for the country and all the closed minded white people out there are just going to have to deal with it when he wins.

Cheryl said...

This comment area will for sure turn into a boxing match!

Im seriously moving to Canada or Australia or Switzerland.

Regirlfriend said...

I was watching something similar on The Tivo. My husband had seen it already, heard it start up, and came running in the room to make me turn it off because he didn't want to have to deal with the mood it would put me in. He then had to console me and talk me out of leaving the country. Cheryl, we can be ex-pat neighbors. Who are these freaks? Honestly, at this point I think either candidate is going to be an improvement and we are going to be fine either I'm not that scared about the "wrong" one winning. What I'm scared of is these people and their infected thinking not dying out with their generation.

Regirlfriend said...

Also, Allison Claire, I can painfully relate to the comment about making more enemies than friends during the election. It breaks my heart, and pisses me off too. So many people hate me for my Obama sign. I don't get it. It's so confusing to me.

mushbelly said...

I haven't lost any friends over this election - but I really don't talk about politics much with people. My husband and I talk about it- we we agree, so no fighting there. I think most of my friends are at least as liberal as I am.

Brits said...

During the last election, my sister told me she was voting for Kerry because he was "way hotter" than Bush. First of all, completely untrue. But second of all, seriously??