Friday, October 10, 2008

Like mother, Like Daughter

Violet lived the first 18 months of her life in a sling. I loved carrying her this way. I didn't know about slings when Lucy was a baby. I discovered them when Violet was about 3 months old, and I am so glad I did. I honestly sometimes consider having another baby, just so I can use my collection of slings again. I made a child sized sling for Lucy to carry her dolls in about the same time I was carrying Violet in the sling. Lucy really never liked it that much - but lately, Violet has discovered the doll sling, and she uses it all the time. I love seeing her carry her little babies around the same way I carried her around. She is going to make a good mamma someday.






These pictures are making we want to chop off all my hair!


Teresa said...

I love slings too and now I need a new one. Did you sew yours or do you have a favorite brand/style?

mushbelly said...

I sewed all of mine, but if I were going to buy one I'd go with luckybaby or hotslings. When is your baby due?

Ms. Hobbs said...

Those pictures are great. I think you look so cute with short hair. I'm kind of thinking you should cut it too. Violet is so sweet!

Kristina P. said...

You are always so stylish!

Teresa said...

Did you have a pattern or just wing it? I'm due March 28th.

tammy said...

These pictures are so cute!! Your hair is always so cute so either way but you have been wanting it long for such a long time so think about it for a bit before you do it.