Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I decided....again

This is an old post, but I am posting it again because I need to re-commit. I admit, I've been kind-of biotchy lately. So starting today......

Today I made a decision. I am going to be happy. I am! I am going to be the kind of wife and mother that I want to be, whether I feel like it at that particular moment or not. I am going to be the kind of wife that my husband wants to come home to. I am going to be patient and relaxed and I am going to enjoy the moment. I decided.


Carrie said...

Good for you Mush. This is the post I need to read today.

Amy Brooks said...

You ROCK Mush! I'm really proud of you!

Ms. Hobbs said...

You are always a sweet friend, so ... you have that going for you. And.. I know Jacob and your kids adore you, so you can't be THAT bad. :)

Kristin said...

way to re commit michelle...i need to adopt your good attitude...