Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

On Monday my mom had her annual Halloween party. This is the biggest event of the year in the Shumway house. Every year she spends months planning, and everyone always has so much fun. Also, every year I go the to party 5 hours early, so I can help her with final preparations, and so I can be there when the spudnuts come out of the oil. If you've never had a homemade spudnut, your life is not complete. In case you don't even know, a spudnut is a dough-nut made with potato dough. My mom makes them every Halloween, and I look forward to them all year long. Here are some pictures of us before the party.

my mom making the spudnuts. Can you smell them?

Violet helping grandma carve a pumpkin.

My sister Marie and I made our girls witch skirts. They turned out great, and our little girls made cute little witches.




Have a Happy Halloween!


Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Love the witch costumes!

Jenny/Moravia said...

What adorable little witches!

Allison Claire said...

Looks like a great party and the girls are so adorable in their costumes! Happy Halloween! :)