Saturday, September 27, 2008

To the streets

Yesterday afternoon the kids and I were bored. So, we decided to clean up the street. I gave each of my girls a grocery bag and we hit the street to clean up the trash. One thing I don't like about living in the hood is, there is always litter on the street. We walked up and down the street and filled 3 target grocery bags full of beer cans, big gulp cups, cheetos wrappers and various other pieces of garbage. The neighborhood kids saw us doing this and came out to help. Pretty soon we had about 10 little kids with grocery bags looking for garbage. It was like an easter egg hunt - only we all needed hand sanitizer when we were finished. When we were done all the kids came back to our house to play in the front yard. I gave them all fruit snacks (with strict instructions NOT to throw their empty package anywhere other than the garbage can) and apple juice. They rode our bikes, and we took some pictures. It was a fun and productive afternoon.



Ms. Hobbs said...

I love that you did that! I also think that picture is AMAZING!!! Such a great shot. I love Violet's face and the contrast between your super fair kids and those adorable neighbor kids. It's really beautiful.

Kristina P. said...

I was thinking the exact same thing as Teresa!

And that's awesome. You make up for my lack of caring about the earth. (I don't litter though.)

Regirlfriend said...

Yeah, Kristina's right. You don't have to be a tree hugger to know that littering is just plain tacky.

I am still so jealous of your neighborhood and home. What a cute example you are.

Natelli Johnston said...

that is so cool that you did that. good job

tammy said...

Good job, I love the picture it is great!

Brooke said...

You are awesome! What a great example to your girls!