I spent over an hour last night watching Britney Spears videos on You Tube. Even though she is a huge pop icon, and I know everything that happens in her personal life thanks to the media, I have never really heard any of her music or watched her perform. I found her
mesmerizing. Her song lyrics are often very exposing. She sings a lot about being lost, trying to find herself through the fame, trying to live a normal life with the paparazzi around her all the time. Of course, none of these songs are written by her - but still, I felt like I got a little glimpse into her soul from watching these videos. I am not judging her as harshly as I was before. I see her as a victim of the business and her parents. I see her as a mother who got in over her head having children too young and too close together, and suffered from severe post
partum depression. And even though her life is so incredibly different from mine - I can kind-of relate to her. Weird. I am not a fan - and I won't be buying any albums, but I think I understand a little bit now the Britney Mania - and why our country is so obsessed with watching and dissecting her every move. She is interesting, beautiful (when in make-up, otherwise she looks like a hillbilly) and like I said before,
mesmerizing. These are some of the things I realized I had in common with Britney after doing just a little research on the
We both look great pregnant and naked:

We both have cute little Yorkshire Terriers:

And I'm sure that is just the tip of the iceberg. I also love to sing, and pretend that I do it quite well, like Britney. I'm sure if I spent more time thinking about it, Id find that we are basically
bff material.
Wow you two do have a lot in common!!
Maybe you should shave your head so that you can be even more like each other.
is she your lost twin sister? I too feel bad for Britney. The world built her up to tear her down and then they kicked her when she was down. I went through post par- wow I am not really sure how to spell that anyways I was depressed after my second son was born, I had my first two within fifteen months of each other like her and it was really hard. I hope she makes a come back, or even if she doesn't I hope she will be happy again.
I have also been fascinated with Britney over the years although I have never been a huge fan of her music. Just for the pure fact that she has been in the news for 10 years now and I feel bad that she has gone through such a hard time, nobody deserves that. And you guys are total twiners.
...and you did it with justin timberlake...you have that in common
I totally forgot! I totally did it with Justin Timberlake. Thanks Kristin. (ps - Im working on your purse today)
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