Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Future Doll Designers

Lucy and I have been making these funny little dolls the past few days. She draws them up with fabric markers on plain off-white cotton, and I sew them up into little dolls. She and Violet are having so much fun playing with Lucy's creations. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that one of these dolls was drawn by me. I have no skills as an artist. Can you guess which one is mine?




You are all hoping that one of these little darlings will be my next giveaway, right? I mean, who Wouldn't want one of these?

And, in case you missed my last post, be sure to sign up for my purse giveaway.


Marie B. said...

HOW ADORABLE! I have got to have the most ingenious nieces on the face of the planet. Will you ask Lucy to make me one for my birthday? Or maybe for Christmas? I totally want one! I can't wait to hang out with those girls of yours!

Natelli Johnston said...

the thing is, those are actually super cute. So Michelle, Kirsten and I all went to dinner tonight and were talking about how talented you are. We all want your purse, but I did not comment, because I would not do that purse justice, it is so cute. you need to go into business. we are also wondering if you and Teresa are going to that meet and greet lunch even though you all went out to lunch already with Kristina. Kirsten totally wants to meet you and Mrs. Hobbs, since Mrs. Hobbs and Kirsten are now cyber Bffs.

Teresa said...

Those are so cute. You make me want to pull out my sewing machine.

mushbelly said...

Natelli - I would be all for a meet and greet on a smaller scale. The meet and green with Kristina and her clan was just way too overwhelming for me. But, I totally want to meet you and Kirsten - so we should do it. me, you, teresa, Kirsten and Tammy - that is totally a reasonably sized group. Where and when?

tammy said...

Lucy needs to start selling her dolls.

Natelli Johnston said...

I just went out with Michelle and Kirsten last night, we saw Burn after reading, so weird, i have not quite decided what I think about it yet. ANyway that was random, my point was that since I just had a girl's night last night, I probably can't for a few weeks for a few reasons, 1- I tend to totally treat myself when I go out with the girl's, speacialty drinks, dessert, the works! and 2- Dave is generous with letting me go out, but when I start to do it frequently he gets a little annoyed. So maybe let's say in October, we should do dinner and a movie. I will tell Kirsten and Michelle, they totally want to hang out with you guys.

Natelli Johnston said...

my point being when I treat myself, I spend a lot of money and have to go a few weeks in between, man so sorry about this novel I just wrote you!

Marie B. said...

I adore my doll! Thanks Lucy! I love "Lucia". I put her on my bed. If she wants to sell them I will be her first customer. Lucia needs some friends!

Ms. Hobbs said...

Those are great! I can tell you did the middle one. She looks like you when you pose for pictures with her hands on her hips and all.